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bun with bean-jam filling 意味

"bun with bean-jam filling"の例文


  • 饅頭{まんじゅう}


  • - nabekama honpo (a shop of nabekama manju [steamed bun with bean-jam filling ])
    - なべかま本舗(なべかままんじゅう)
  • in koriyama city , triangle manju-gata (style of bun with bean-jam filling ) yubeshi which is made by wrapping the paste with yubeshi dough is widely known .
  • in order to hide the nail head on the surface of the door , the lacquered wooden decoration of manju-gata (style of bun with bean-jam filling ) are attached and the kondo-hasso kanagu (literally , " gilt-bronzed twin eights metalwork " ) (a kind of fixing bracket for decoration and reinforcement ) are attached in order to prevent deformation of the door as a whole .
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